Thursday 20 November 2008

Managing those slippery MOSS Web part Pages

What bugs me most about SharePoint is that there is almost always an application ASPX page that can provide exactly the functionality you're looking for.

Take Web Part pages for example, they have their own maintenance page but the only time you'll ever get to see the link for it is when one or more web parts on a page is causing problems. When this happens you get the usual generic error message we've all come to know and love, and a link to the holy Web Part Maintenance Page.

But what about when there is no error and you just want to manage the web parts for a given page - Close, Reset or Delete one or more? Fear not. Like many hard learnt solutions in MOSS, simply knowing what ASPX page to call (and with what parameters).

Simply add /_layouts/spcontnt.aspx?&url=[url] after your domain/server root with the appropriate path to the page you want to manage.

e.g. http://mysite/_layouts/spcontnt.aspx?&url=/subsite/Pages/mypage.aspx

Happy managing!

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